
We have invited PLLC scholars, graduate teaching fellows and mentors to contribute their leadership insights on the COVID-19 pandemic.

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2020-21 Lougheed College Lectures Season in Review

The Peter Lougheed Leadership College (PLLC) hosted seven presentations via Livestream over this past academic year, making the sixth year of Lougheed College Lectures another successful season.

Students Propose Solutions to Remote Learning Challenges

In the PLLC Leadership Case Competition, fifteen teams formed by undergrad students from various UAlberta faculties proposed multiple solutions to the case, titled Building a Supportive Learning Environment in a Pandemic.

Using Interim Leadership to Navigate the Uncertainties of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Decision making during COVID-19 is challenging enough for leaders established in an organization, so how should interim leaders be supported? Nicholas Vankka researches the topic during his Stretch Experience project.

Lessons from the Pandemic: Leadership and Childcare

How can schools reopen safely, and if they remain closed, will women's workforce participation be disproportionately affected? Tristan Patterson uses an adaptive leadership lens to suggest we can do better than "getting back to normal."

"I’ll Be Seeing You": The Unifying Power of Music During a Crisis

Allison Quigley compares the unifying power of "Lost Together" by Blue Rodeo to the sentiment surrounding "I’ll Be Seeing You" during World War II.

CompassionConnects: A case study exemplifying the use of technology to reduce isolation during COVID-19

Can technology be a substitute for face-to-face communication to foster community and maintain social connectedness, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic? PLLC scholar Julia shows how it can through the CompassionConnects case she's working on with the Compassion House Foundation.

Leadership Transition in Times of COVID-19

Maite's internship with a specialized leadership transition organization spurred her to consider how the transition of key positions will happen in institutions such as universities during COVID-19.

COVID-19, Race, and the Case for Canadian Prison Reform

Conditions in prisons make COVID-19 especially virulent, and even in Canada, provincial and federal prisons have an overrepresentation of marginalized populations. Prison reform could be the answer to slowing the spread of COVID-19 and correcting unjust incarceration.

Science in COVID-19 Crisis – A Leadership Experience During COVID-19

In the face of this unprecedented effort to advance our understanding and address this crisis, it is imperative that we safeguard the integrity of science to avoid dissemination of misleading and unproven information that may lead us astray.

Using the Power of Technology and Diversity to Lead in the COVID-19 Crisis

A case study on Ada’s Team--a student group dedicated to promoting diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)--by international student and PLLC scholar, Xinyue Xiang.

An Eye on the Storm – A Leadership Experience During COVID-19

How has PLLC Scholar Samantha Tan seen her peers rise to the adaptive challenges of COVID-19?

Students Launch COVID-19 Website to Connect Resources with those in Need

A Q&A with the cofounders of the COVID Support Network

Good Leadership is Infectious: Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis

Around the world, leaders such as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand and Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs of Saint Martin in the Caribbean have exemplified how leading with empathy and conveying honest messages are important strategies to use, even after the quarantine.

Mentorship in the Age of COVID-19

COVID-19 forced PLLC Mentorship Coordinator Kelly Hobson to engage in virtual mentorship, leading Kelly to find their "unicorn" mentor and other unexpected benefits of meeting digitally.

Alberta's Leadership Vaccine in the Face of COVID-19

Mason Schindle shares examples of servant and authoritarian forms of leadership from Albertan leaders in response to COVID-19.