The Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology (LKSIoV) unites a consortium of over 60 exemplary researchers. Member affiliation encompasses 15 Departments and Faculties at the University of Alberta, and some of our members are located in other Canadian institutions.

Michael Woodside, PhD


  • Professor, Department of Physics
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Research Interests

• Folding of viral RNA structures
• Programmed ribosomal frameshifting
• Exoribonuclease resistance
• Protein folding
• Misfolding, prion-like conversion

Dr. Woodside's research interests cover the intersection of physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, centering on how individual biomolecules like proteins, DNA, and RNA self-assemble into complex structures. His work focuses on three themes: the fundamental physics of folding reactions, the relationship between folding and function in viral RNAs, and protein misfolding that causes disease.

His work has led to new methods for measuring the energy landscapes that govern folding, insights into how viral RNA pseudoknots stimulate programmed ribosomal frameshifting, the first direct observation of misfolding in the proteins that cause "mad-cow" disease and ALS, and new approaches to probing the mechanism of action of drugs at the single-molecule level.

Contact Information

Office Phone:

Michael Woodside, PhD, (Physics)

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