Technology & Teaching Resources

  1. Accessibility
    • For all Microsoft Office files, Microsoft Office's accessibility checker is available through the menu: File/Info/Check for Issues/Accessibility Checker. This will catch many major problems.

    • When posting class recordings, please remember to either read substantive chat messages aloud to the class, or post chat logs in addition to videos when there is substantive chat content. This is important because it can be too distracting for visually impaired users to have their computer read the chat over top of the instructor. Thus, they will likely prefer to disable chat notifications altogether.

    • Remember that visually impaired users will not be able to make consistent eye-contact, and that they will also not be able to see your screen/powerpoint when you share it on Zoom, Meet, Teams, etc.

    • Posting recordings of lectures is very helpful for students who are dealing with these pre-existing obstacles.

    • Links for additional resources are available below, in the PowerPoint section.

  2. July 10, 2020 Remote Teaching (Zoom) Session

  3. Remote Delivery Platform Guide

  4. How the flipped classroom works (Peter Sankoff)

  5. Terminating your free, limited Zoom account (so you can create a full/non-limited account)

  6. To acquire a full Zoom account: Please email . If you qualify, they will grant you access, so you'll be able to login at using the Google option (which is below the email/password fields) on their sign-in page.

  7. Complete Zoom Instructions

    Specific sections:

    1. Logging In
    2. Schedule Meetings
    3. Phoning In For Audio (or having more than one device in the same call)
    4. Joining A Zoom
    5. Mic Settings
    6. Webcam Settings
    7. Security/Call Settings
    8. Allow Students To Present
    9. Waiting Room
    10. Participants List
    11. Chat
    12. Screen Sharing
    13. Polling
    14. Call Recording
    15. Breakout Rooms
    16. Reactions (clap/thumbs-up/hand-raise)
    17. Call Info (getting the link for joining)
    18. Ending A Call / Uploading Recording
    19. Approved Zoom Virtual Backgrounds

  8. Recording with Powerpoint

  9. How to open/close the wall in McLennan Ross Hall

  10. Google Meet — Create Meeting Through Google Calendar (to avoid having it expire after its first use)

    1. Log into Gmail with your CCID email.

    2. Click the apps button on the upper-right. It will look like a grib of nine dots.

    3. Click the first day of your class in the date picker on the left.

    4. Click the "Create" button above the date picker to create an event.

    5. Enter the name of your class, adjust the time, select "custom" in the dropdown below that to make it a recurring event, select which days of the week your class is on, and enter the either how many classes you have, or the end date of your class.

    6. Optionally click "add guests" to paste in email addresses to invite people to your Meet.

    7. Click the blue "Add Google Meet Conference" button to create the link, and note the link, phone number, and pin number.

    8. Change any other desired settings and click, "Create".

    9. Now that you've created the Meet link through Google Calendar, as long as you access the link within a 90-day period, it will still work, and will be renewed for another 90 days from the time you last accessed it.

  11. Central UAlberta Resources For Working Remotely
  12. Troubleshooting For Gather.Town
  13. Instructional Videos (for common issues, especially relating to the smart classrooms and presenting)