
Welcome to UAlberta Law

The University of Alberta Faculty of Law is Western Canada's most prestigious law school and one of Canada's leading institutions of legal education and research. For more than 100 years, the faculty has been at the forefront of legal scholarship in Canada, fostering generations of thought leaders.

Student Experience

A successful student experience is built on a commitment to academic excellence and ensures that students graduate with the foundation of their professional identity in place. UAlberta Law students interact with staff, faculty, alumni, the community and one another through academic pursuits, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.This experience includes expectations prior to law school, their experience during law school and their impressions upon transitioning to practice and other opportunities following graduation.


UAlberta Law curriculum is a long-recognized strength of the Faculty, is core to our learning experience and is greatly enriched by our engagement with the Alberta bar and judiciary.  We preserve the teaching of the core foundations of the law, while encouraging new and innovative approaches to legal education.  Looking to the future, we will retain the flexibility required to anticipate, capture and reflect changes in the legal landscape while responding to student needs, as we create sophisticated, well-rounded graduates who are prepared to serve in a variety of settings, within Canada and abroad.

The University of Alberta is an American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law school.

Faculty Excellence

Faculty excellence requires an environment of academic freedom and success across three pillars: research, teaching and service. We pride ourselves on our recognized leadership in research across diverse fields, and on our tradition of excellence in teaching and disseminating knowledge to students and the broader community. Our Faculty culture is collaborative and innovative. Our collegial environment yields research with impact and innovations in teaching that others look to for guidance. With a faculty community that includes many nationally and internationally recognized leaders, our students benefit when they are presented with diverse perspectives and opportunities for mentorship.

Alumni & Community

Alumni and Community reinvigorate involvement by alumni in the life of the law school. We seek to enhance a lifelong connection with graduates, while nurturing a closer and deeper connection between UAlberta Law and the public we serve. Engagement brings our alumni and community members to our campus, while creating opportunities for our students, staff and faculty members outside of the university. With a focus on public education and service for the public good, we will deepen our relationships with, and contributions to, our community, our province and our country. The faculty is a part of the university's College of Social Sciences and Humanities.