Exam Instructions

Instructional Video (15:47)  (The colour of the school name in Exam4, which identifies the version, is now different from this video; see below.)

Shortcuts to video subsections:

Exam4 License/Installation

Exam4 (available here) has three modes:

  • CLOSED (which turns laptop into a simple word processor with no access to other applications or the Internet), 
  • OPEN LAPTOP (which permits access to other applications and files, but no network access, whatsoever), and
  • OPEN LAPTOP + NETWORK (which permits access to other applications, files, and Internet).

These modes are hardcoded into the exam selection, so make sure to select the correct exam.

Copy/cut/paste between Exam4 and other applications is not possible, so make sure to enter your answers directly into Exam4.

Technical Support

Please contact any of the following if you need assistance:

Gary Wong

  1. gmwong@ualberta.ca

  2. 780-492-4311 (voice calls only)

Hilary Edison

  1. law.curriculum@ualberta.ca

  2. 780-492-8443

Tim Young

  1. 780-445-9605 (voice calls preferred over SMS which can be delayed)

  2. Tim's Video Chat (ualberta.ca/law/help) (only join this when you have a problem)

  3. timy@ualberta.ca (for less urgent issues)

In case you ever need remote assistance, you can download and install TeamViewer now.   In the event of trouble, you'd open it and provide us with the ID and Password which appear.

December Handwriting (by permission only)

To request advance permission to handwrite exams, please email Vice Dean Muir at vicedeanoflaw@ualberta.ca by Monday, Sep 9, 4pm for LAW401:A01, or by Monday, Sep 16, 4pm for LAW401:X01, and the deadline for handwriting December exams will soon be posted here.  If approved, you will receive detailed instructions.

Question Delivery

Questions are provided in printed hardcopy from your instructor or exam proctor.

Time Keeping

Exam4 keeps a record of what is typed and when, and does not forcefully shutdown at the end of the exam. It's up to you to stop writing, close, and submit at the appropriate time.

Practice Exam

Run Exam4's practice exams NOW to ensure that your computer supports Exam4. DO NOT LEAVE THIS UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!

There is no "practice exam question", just a blank page where you can type random text. The resulting exam file will be encrypted once it is closed, and you will not be able to re-open it.  Therefore, don't type any information into the Practice exam that you may want to retrieve later.

Make sure to submit at least one practice exam, since this provides me with verification that you have tested the software to ensure it works on your computer.  If you don't, I (Tim) will email you reminders.

Of the three practice exams, the CLOSED exam performs the most rigorous test of Exam4 on your computer.

Other Issues

Install all computer updates as soon as possible, well before the exam season, especially if you are using an older, unsupported version of operating system.  Don't leave updating until the last minute.

For issues not addressed by Exam4's FAQ, please submit a support ticket at the bottom of that page.  If support is unable to help you, or if the matter is time sensitive, please contact one of us (see the contact section above).

The spell-check must be run "on-demand" through the Tools menu.  It will NEITHER auto-correct nor otherwise point out spelling errors as you type.

Exam Submission / Network Connectivity

Submit your practice exams electronically as you would your actual exam.  Some networks (such as "Guest@UofA") will not support exam submission, but the UWS and most home Internet connections will.  If you are unsure of whether or not you successfully submitted, just submit again.  Duplicate submissions won't cause any harm.

Don't panic if you are unable to submit an exam.  It's mainly important that you don't write outside of your allotted time.  Just make sure to exit the exam, and once you find a working Internet connection, upload by:

  1. Re-opening Exam4,

  2. Click "Select existing exam",

  3. Select the exam in the list (note the date to the left of the exam name to ensure you're selecting an exam from the correct term),

  4. and then click, "Submit electronically".

If you encounter difficulties while writing or submitting, contact us right away (see above).

"It says my new Exam4 has expired!"

Mac users: You've probably tried to install over a previous copy of Exam4, but you clicked "Keep" instead of "Replace".  You'll need to uninstall, re-install, and click "Replace" if prompted.  You may also have run an old installer from your Downloads folder.

Windows/Mac users: Make sure to remove old Exam4 installers from your Downloads folder.  You probably just ran the wrong installer.  You may need to look for one that has a "(1)" (or another number) at the end of its name.

Before An Exam

  1. Please be ready to write at least 15 minutes before each exam.  We want to allow ourselves time to deal with any potential issues that may arise.

  2. In case of technical issues, notify your proctor and have ready:

    1. Our contact information, written down and close by in case your computer crashes;

    2. Writing materials;

    3. A (fully-charged) phone.

  3. Have your most recent anonymous 4-digit Exam Taker ID ready (look for an email with a subject containing: "Exam Taker ID").  If handwriting, include your Exam Taker ID, the course number, section, and your instructor's name at the top of your exam.  Number the pages, and DO NOT include your name or student ID. Maintain your anonymity and do not sign your exam.

My Computer/Exam4 Crashed/Rebooted

In the unlikely event of something like this happening, you can just pick up where you left off:

  1. Re-open Exam4,

  2. Click "Select existing exam",

  3. Select the exam (note the date within the name to be sure you're selecting from the correct term),

  4. Click "Begin Exam",

  5. Type a short reason for crash and click OK.

Additional Notes:

  • Exam4 auto-saves every 10 seconds, and performs a full auto-backup every 2 minutes.  Aside from that, you can also use the "Save" option in the top menu.

  • If your exam has word limits, make sure to use the answer separator feature and to enable Doc Stats (which are both on the right).  After adding an answer separator, you can still go back and edit previous answers.  Do not modify the separators, because the word count feature relies on them being intact.

  • Encrypted backup copies and receipts of your submission will be kept on your laptop.  Leave these files intact and avoid wiping your hard drive for any reason until after you have received your marks back from the instructor.  This is a good precautionary measure.

  • If you do not have access to a computer for your exams, and are unable to find one to borrow, please contact us.

Supplemental FAQ

What if my Internet connection dies during an exam?

Exam4 does not use the network while you write.

Exam4 timestamps everything, and when you close an exam it will be locked and encrypted.  Therefore, late submissions aren't a crisis, and you can just upload once you find a working network connection.  Nevertheless, keep us informed if you encounter issues.

Do I need to purchase an (annual) Exam4 license for this term?

No.  The faculty now covers the cost of Exam4.

What are the rules about the submission time?

The submission time will be indicated on your exam's cover sheet.  For example, an exam cover sheet for a 3 hour exam will say:
"TIME ALLOTTED: 3 hours (180 minutes)."

Accommodated Exams

These will be written in person on campus, proctored by the Academic Success Centre.  Accommodated exams will be written on Exam4 on your own laptop unless you have a formal accommodation otherwise.

Accommodated exams must be booked ahead of the term's ClockWork deadlines.  Your exam location will be posted on ClockWork within 24 hours of your exam date.  Contact law.curriculum@ualberta.ca with questions about accommodated exams.