Tayler Tallent recognized with George Bligh O’Connor Silver Medal in Law

The silver medal is awarded to the student with the second highest marks in their convocating class.

Doug Johnson - 14 June 2024

Throughout her studies at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law, Tayler Tallent, ‘24 JD, drew a great deal of strength and inspiration from those around her. Thanks, in part, to this support, Tallent was recognized with the George Bligh O’Connor Silver Medal in Law this year. 

“I hoped I was a contender for a medal, but I was not expecting it. Reading the email brought a great amount of relief and happiness over me,” she says. 

Tallent earned a bachelor’s (with honours) and a master’s in political science from the U of A in 2019 and 2021, respectively. During this time, she also worked as a policy analyst for the Government of Alberta’s Ministry of Health. 

After completing her first two degrees, and being exposed to the intersections of politics and law, she knew she wanted to pursue her law degree. Later in 2021, she began pursuing her JD at the Faculty of Law.

The summer after her first year of law school, she worked at Field Law LLP. The following summer, she served as a research assistant to Hilary Nye, an associate professor in the Faculty of Law. She also completed an internship with the Assistant Judge Advocate General’s Office at Canadian Forces Base Edmonton. 

Tallent hopes to pursue a career in litigation, particularly in a capacity where she can use her knowledge of administrative and constitutional law, two areas in particular that drew her interest. She is currently articling with the Court of Appeal of Alberta in Edmonton, and is set to finish articling with Field Law. 

The recent grad credits her success, in part, to her friends at the Faculty of Law who provided her with guidance and shared their experience, and to her professors who fostered her interests. Her family were also key supports for her, especially her parents, husband and her two daughters. 

“More than anything, I hope that when my daughters grow up my achievements will inspire them to follow their passions and work hard.”