Upcoming Events

* Hosted by IIS

Survivors Speak

May 15, 2024, at Edmonton’s Metro Cinema

The premiere screening of the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters' (ACWS) survivor-led documentary

Snakes and Ladders Graduate Mentoring Collective for Racialized Students

May 10, 2 to 4 p.m. (Edmonton time)

Education Centre North

Decolonization in Context: South Africa

April 17 from 5:00pm-6:45pm (Johannesburg time).

The 2024 Festival of Teaching and Learning
Beyond Accessibility Checklists: Designing the Future with Dr. Joanne Webe

May 7, Edmonton Clinic Health Academy 2-140

Drawing from personal experience as a deaf scholar and her research on the application of aesthetic pragmatism to pedagogy and curriculum, Dr. Joanne Weber, Canada Research Chair explores what might lie beyond the current preoccupation with disability-specific accommodations and checklists associated with teaching and learning.

Snakes and Ladders Graduate Mentoring Collective for Racialized Students

With Megan Tipler (Indigenous Strategies Manager - Office of the Vice Provost) and Tim Ira (Strategic Initiatives Officer, Indigenous Initiatives & Equity Diversity and Inclusion)

Friday, April 12, 2024, 2 to 4 pm, Education Centre North

*IIS Online Book Display

Dr. Adriana Rincón-Villegas shares her book suggestions in honour of International Women’s Day.

March 8, 2024

Practices and Strategies for Teaching and Learning During Crisis

Feb. 27, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM, Online

This session will review the recently developed resource on Teaching During Global and Geopolitical Crisis, including an overview of the trauma-informed teaching and community care principles that informed its development.

Decolonizing Methods: Unsettling Research

With Lana Whiskeyjack (Women’s & Gender Studies), Stephanie Montesanti (School of Public Health), and Shirley Anne Tate

Friday, March 8, 2024, 12:00-1:00pm, Tory 12-15 (Political Science CoLab)

In this moderated conversation, three U of A scholars will reflect on the work of “decolonizing” research methods, drawing on their own situated experiences, practices, relationships, and areas of scholarship.

The 3rd MEIS Monthly Meetings
Echoes of Resilience: Stories and Poetry From The Middle East

With  Iman Mersal (Modern Languages and Cultural Studies), Dr. Ghada Ageel Hamdan (Political Science) and Dr. Joseph Hill (Anthropology)

Tuesday February 27, 2024, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (MST), Zoom Webinar

Snakes and Ladders Graduate Mentoring Collective for Racialized Students

On the ethical considerations of academic collaboration and potential pitfalls to avoid.

February  16, 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Education Centre North, 3-119

*Institute for Intersectionality Studies Meet and Greet

The Director, Siobhan Byrne gives a brief overview of IIS, shares some of the projects we’ve been working on, and introduces the team.

February 13th, from 2 - 3:30, Tory 12-15

Decolonization in Context: USA and Canada Workshops

On the ethical considerations of academic collaboration and potential pitfalls to avoid

February 6th from 10:00am-11:45pm (Pacific Time) and February 9th from 12:00pm-1:45pm (Mountain Time).

WUN Symposium: New Research Directions in Global Mental Health

June 12-13, 2024, University of Leeds

This event brings together researchers from diverse disciplines and national contexts to share knowledge and ignite new research ideas.

*Mapping Global Development Futures:Intersectional Perspectives on Gender, Justice, Migration, and the Climate Crisis

With Kate Bedford (Birmingham Law School), Rob Aitken (Political Science), Philomina Okeke-Ihejirika (Women's and Gender Studies), Adriana Rincón Villegas (Institute for Intersectionality Studies), and Siobhan Byrne

Tuesday January 23, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, The Political Science Co-Lab

The session will bring together experts in international law, global finance, migration, and gender and peace-building to explore the promise and limits of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals from critical, intersectional, and feminist perspectives.

Snakes and Ladders Graduate Mentoring Collective for Racialized Students

On the basics of how to approach publishing as a graduate student

January 26, 2-4 pm,, Education Centre North