INT D 408/508 - Interprofessional Health Education Electives
Interprofessional Education Electives embed the application of interprofessional competencies within a specific health context. Typically, electives are 1-credit courses containing both online and in-person (classroom-, clinic-, or community-based) modules. Course topics vary from year to year and the course may be repeated under different course titles.
Prerequisite or corequisite: INT D 403, INT D 503, or equivalent introductory interprofessional health education course, or approval of Health Sciences Education and Research Commons, Health Sciences Council.
Courses are offered jointly by the following faculties: Agricultural, Life, and Environmental Sciences; Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation; Medicine and Dentistry; Nursing; Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Current + Upcoming Course Electives
Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health
Learn to collaboratively develop and reflect on interdisciplinary care plans addressing adolescent sexual and reproductive health issues.
CareGiver-Centred Care.
Learn to enhance caregiver-centered care skills through online training and hands-on simulation activities in partnership with the Caregiver-Centred Care initiative.
Chronic Pain
Expand your interprofessional practice skills, focusing on communication, teamwork, conflict resolution, and role clarification, while addressing chronic and complex pain management.
Learn to practice interdisciplinary care competencies to address the complex health needs of older adults through team-based approaches.
Grief and Grieving
Learn to provide holistic predeath grief and bereavement care by developing personal insight and professional competence through education and interprofessional collaboration.
Health Educational Resource Development
Learn to collaboratively design patient-focused educational resources tailored to specific populations and health concerns using interdisciplinary expertise.
Hematology Oncology
Learn to apply interdisciplinary care competencies in the context of a blood and marrow transplant clinic to support patients effectively.
Oncology (head & neck cancer)
Learn to apply interprofessional competencies to collaborate on patient care for head and neck cancer within a multidisciplinary healthcare team.
Palliative Care
Learn about the role of rehabilitation in palliative care, focusing on symptom management, goal setting, and interprofessional teamwork through case-based learning.
Sport & Athlete Nutrition/Health
Learn to address the unique healthcare needs of athletes by developing practical skills and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams in case studies and simulations.
Learn the foundational practices of telerehabilitation in speech-language pathology, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy.