
Year 1 and 2 Medical Students
The Glen Sather Clinic has limited ability to offer shadowing experience in sport and exercise medicine to fulfill the Year 1 and 2 elective requirements for students at the University of Alberta.
Prospective elective students are asked to please contact the medicine education director indicating their request and to discuss the possibility of this experience.
Year 3 and 4 Medical Students
The clinic has a limited ability to offer two-week elective placements to medical students from the U of A and other Canadian medical schools. Due to changes in policies and lack of availability of training positions at the U of A, the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and the Glen Sather Clinic are currently unable to accept medical elective students who are doing their studies outside of Canada.
For U of A students, please follow the application procedure for electives as outlined by the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) on the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Undergraduate Medical Education website.
For Canadian medical students from outside the U of A, please follow the application procedure for outside/visiting electives as outlined by the UME office. Students should call the visiting electives co-ordinator at 780-492-6350 to apply. The description and process can be found on the UME website.
In addition, all prospective students wishing to complete an elective at the Glen Sather Clinic are asked to contact the medicine education director indicating their request. Please provide a letter of intent/interest including details of your previous experience in sport and exercise medicine, and what you hope to gain from this elective.
Medical Residents - Postgraduate Trainees
Rotations of one to four weeks are available for residents in Family Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rheumatology, Emergency, and other specialties completing postgraduate training at the U of A. Rotations are usually arranged through the trainee's home program that will submit requests on an annual basis to the Glen Sather Clinic Education Director, Medicine. Please contact your program director or your program office directly for further information. Although every effort is made to accommodate as many learners as possible, lack of human and physical resources may limit our ability to accommodate or fulfill all requests.
Elective requests from individuals from programs at other universities within Canada may be considered if there is additional space/time available after the needs of residents from the U or A programs have been met. Prospective elective residents are asked to please contact the Education Director - Medicine at the Glen Sather Clinic indicating their request. Please provide a letter of intent/interest including details of your previous experience in sport and exercise medicine, what you hope to gain from this elective, your expectations for this elective, and your future practice plans pertinent to sport and exercise medicine.
Briana Gomes
Administrative Assistant
Dr. Connie Lebrun
Medical Education Director
Dr. Roman Tulis
Sport & Exercise Medicine Physician