Requests for commercial filming on University of Alberta campuses

Follow this step-by-step process to request permission for videography or photography on University of Alberta campuses.

How to request permission for filming or photography on our campuses:

  1. Filming or photography requests can take up to 3-4 weeks to process. Film crews or photographers may not film or shoot on campus until the request is complete.
  2. We require a schedule of the times and the locations you will be filming. (Please take into consideration the filming request process time.)
  3. Upon receipt of the schedule, we will contact the primary person(s) responsible for the filming locations to check for feasibility, conflicts and approval.
  4. A location agreement will be drawn up and must be signed by the person in charge of filming and whose name is listed on the insurance.
  5. Please provide proof of $2,000,000 general liability insurance. (The certificate should name the Governors of the University of Alberta as additional insured: The Governors of the University of Alberta, 3-04 South Academic Building, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G7)
  6. Auto insurance may be required. If so, please provide proof of $1,000,000 automobile insurance. (The certificate should name the Governors of the University of Alberta as additional insured: The Governors of the University of Alberta, 3-04 South Academic Building, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G7)
  7. It is imperative that signage be acquired from the Information and Privacy Office to make persons on campus aware that filming is occurring in the area. Contact the privacy office at 780-492-9419 or
  8. Once the above prerequisites have been met, we will send the location agreement to VP External Relations and VP Facilities and Operations for signatures.
  9. Once the signatures have been affixed on the required location agreement, an email will be sent to you with the scanned version of the agreement attached.
  10. An invoice will be sent to you for an administration fee of $100.

Any inquiries can be directed to Cheryl Ford at





VP External Relations