Next steps post-graduation

Ishan has a few options for you to consider after completing your undergraduate degree.



YouAlberta is written by students for students.

Ishan (he/him) is a fourth-year Finance student at the University of Alberta. He originates from Bhopal, a beautiful city in India known as the city of lakes. He has studied at eight schools and has lived in ten cities. Ishan loves travelling, meeting new people and experiencing different cultures. He is big on sports and enjoys playing soccer, squash, basketball, swimming and running half-marathons. His creative side includes writing poems and playing guitar when missing home. Ishan enjoys public speaking and strives to become a visiting lecturer to teach at all of the world's best universities, including Oxford, U of A, London School of Business and the Kyoto University in Japan.

Have you started wondering how time just flew by? It was only yesterday that you first stepped foot on campus, and now you're on the verge of completing your undergraduate studies — it feels surreal, doesn't it? 

Suddenly, every lecture has turned into an opportunity to enjoy listening to an intelligent professor's ideas on macroeconomics in a class full of students. Every hangout has turned into an evening of nostalgia reminiscing about the memories from first year. Every day, the countdown to getting out in the real world continues to raise your heartbeat — but don't you worry!

Concluding a big chapter of your life, like graduating from university, can be a big inflection point. Below, I share a few options you can consider post-graduation. Graduating from university might not be as daunting as it seems, after all! 

Find a job & begin working full-time 

One of the most common options students tend to pursue after they complete their undergraduate studies is finding a full-time job. According to Universities Canada, "88% of students say their courses will positively impact their ability to secure a job in their field of study." This alludes to the fact that university students are confident and feel prepared to enter the workforce upon graduation. The U of A is one of the top 100 universities in the world, according to the 2025 QS World Rankings. It provides a great boost to your profile when looking for full-time jobs within Canada and internationally. 

If you're unsure of your plans post-graduation, it might be a good idea to draft a plan to start applying to full-time roles related to your field. You can look into tools like LinkedIn and Indeed to assist you in your job search. Edmonton continues to be home to some of Alberta's top employers, including but not limited to Alberta Innovates, Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo), Government of Alberta, PCL Construction and many more. Beginning your early career at one of these institutions would be a great start in the corporate world! 

Travel & explore the world 

Need a short break before you figure out your life plans? No worries at all! Travelling might be a great idea to rediscover yourself while exploring some new cities along the way. Students often travel during the summer after graduation before they enter the workforce. It's a great way to conclude your studies on a positive note, as well as realize your passions and what you'd really like to do after university. You get to meet interesting people from all over the world. As Kylee mentions in an article on HER Campus, "We have our entire lives ahead of us to build our careers, but we do not have endless youthful summers." Some of the best travel locations for new graduates, according to Lonely Planet, include Vietnam, Costa Rica, Greece and many more. 

Pursue a graduate degree 

Another option is to pursue a graduate degree and continue further education. Pursuing a graduate degree is quite common in fields like law and medical sciences. However, that doesn't mean you can't pursue a graduate degree right after your undergraduate degree in business or any other field! Depending on your interests and the institutions, you can most certainly find a program following your convocation from an undergraduate degree.  

Other options

If you don't feel like starting a full-time job, travelling or pursuing a master's, are there any other options?

Of course! You might consider starting your own business or venture, taking a gap year to figure out your plans or maybe pursuing a career as an influencer or a YouTuber. While these might seem like attractive options, they do come with a lot of risk, and one must make a thoughtful decision when considering them. Regardless, if you are leaning towards a creative career, these are some great options to consider. 

And there you have it! After you convocate this spring, maybe you can jump right into your career as an investment banker, or perhaps travel for a while or maybe you can pursue a master's in international business. The world is full of opportunities waiting for you! Let the optimism of the future calm you down, and enjoy the last few weeks of your final semester before you venture out into the world!