Sunaura Taylor Exhibit - Closing Night

9 September 2016

Join The Department of Women's & Gender Studies and femlab for a wine and cashew cheese reception to commemorate closing night of the "Works of Sunaura Taylor, 2008-2016" Exhibit.

Wine and Cashew Cheese Reception

curated by Dr. Michelle Meagher

Wednesday, September 14th, 2016
5:00 - 6:30
femlab gallery, 1-02 Assiniboia Hall

About Sunaura Taylor, her art, and this exhibit:
Sunaura Taylor is a writer, painter, scholar, and activist whose work emphasizes the connections between disability politics and the rights of non-human animals. The works in the gallery include two self portraits in which Taylor draws connections between her body and the bodies of non-human animals, a series of small paintings of animals in factory farms, portraits of organic wheelchairs that have sprouted hair, and an altered artist book in which Sunaura has placed a caricatured representation of her own disabled body into photographs of animals in the Arctic. Together, the works ask their viewers to imagine relationships between human and non-human animals that are based in interdependence rather than exploitation.

Sunaura Taylor, Selected Works 2008-2016 was launched in collaboration with the Decolonizing Critical Animal Studies, Cripping Critical Animal Studies conference held at the University of Alberta in June 2016, and supported by the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Native Studies, the Kule Institute for Advance Study, and SSHRC. It will be on view until September 15th.

About femlab:

femlab is a creative laboratory for feminist practice at the University of Alberta. For more information about this exhibition or the femlab exhibition space, please visit the gallery's blog at