U of A for Tomorrow Updates: July 8, 2021

8 July 2021

Here are the key U of A for Tomorrow updates from this week:

Ask SET Anything: Shared Services Edition

Join the SET team for another edition of our Ask SET Anything series on Thursday, July 15 from 3-4 p.m. This event is for staff to ask questions and learn more about Shared Services and the Staff Service Centre.

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Academic Leaders Task Group update 

Provost Steven Dew shares an update on the Academic Leaders Task Group (ALTG), charged with undertaking a review of the roles of academic leaders in the context of our new academic structure.

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Year one UAT retrospective

Over the last year, the University of Alberta has launched and put into action an ambitious plan for transformation. We've been focused on the future university—one that is relevant, responsive, and nimble. Look back on UAT’s year one milestones as we work towards becoming a university that can grow and adapt to changing demographics and student needs.

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Visit the colleges' new websites

Applying to positions over the summer

As the university continues transitioning to the UAT operating model, many new positions are being created and will be posted throughout the summer months. With many taking vacation time, we’ve prepared some information and steps you can take to ensure you don’t miss out on future job opportunities.

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