U of A for Tomorrow Updates: February 18, 2021
18 February 2021
Here are the key U of A for Tomorrow updates from this week:
From the College Deans
Since the announcement of their appointment, the college deans have begun consulting with faculty deans as well as with faculty, students, and staff, and are in the process of planning for broad consultation and engagement on the mission, vision, and shared services for each of the colleges. This week, we invited them to give us a brief introduction to the colleges and an overview of the opportunities they see ahead.
Launch of Position Opportunities Page
As administrative restructuring at the university continues, we recognize that staff have many questions and concerns about their role—and possible future roles—in the new operating model. To help provide some answers, the SET team has created the Position Opportunities Page, an online resource which lists upcoming positions that will be part of the new operating model. Our goal is to transparently provide information on new positions that have been planned as part of the new model, and to the extent that we can, keep our university community informed.
Discovery Update: IT & HR Streams
The SET team is in full swing carrying out the functional reviews and redesigns for the six administrative workstreams. As we continue further down the path of transitioning into the new administrative operating model, we want to outline the processes and milestones for the first phase of the functional review: the discovery phase. Explore the purpose of this phase, and learn more about the IT and HR streams’ discovery findings.
Ask SET Anything: IT Edition
Join the SET team for another edition of the Ask SET Anything series tomorrow, Friday February 19 from 2-3 p.m. This event is specifically for IT staff to ask questions about the IT administrative restructuring and transitioning process. Anyone interested in attending or asking a question are invited to register for the live Zoom meeting.