Our Green Campus: Today and Tomorrow

Energy + Climate Action

Upcoming deadlines

The University of Alberta exhibits leadership in green projects across our five campuses through successful planning and implementation in energy management and sustainable operations.

Participating in a greener future

A sustainable future doesn't just happen—we need your help to get there.

Start by learning about sustainability, waste handling and more. Take the Green Labs e-Class or join the Green Labs Leaders Network. Then integrate sustainable practices into your research, lab or office and access grants, rebates and even win awards.

Investing in a greener future

Our sustainable projects reduce environmental impact, operate a more efficient campus and support the university's mission of academic teaching and research.

Every day, staff, researchers and other collaborators are on campus working towards a more sustainable future: a comprehensive energy management program, a water conservation program and more innovative green tech projects—all using U of A campus as a living lab as a place for experiential learning while they do so.

66K tonnes fewer
GHG emissions/year since adopting 2012's reduction plan

31% decrease
in building energy use intensity since the 1970s

38% certified
green building space across U of A’s campuses

See the benefits of green initiatives for yourself

Find sustainable projects around our campuses, get a closer look at how we’ve reduced energy, use our green building map to see how we've certified 38% of our building space under a green building rating system or see how U of A obtained a STARS Gold rating by exploring our results dashboard.

Request More Data

Staff, students, researchers and consultants can also get access to Utilities data and to the Sustainability Information Management System (SIMS), a library of resources and materials related to the sustainability features of University of Alberta buildings.

Fill out the Utilities Data Request form to request utilities data.

Please email sustims@ualberta.ca to request access to SIMS.

Figure: About GHG Emissions Over Time

The University of Alberta's greenhouse gas emissions inventory is updated annually, enabling us to visualize trends in emissions over time. The inventory includes anything within the university's operational boundary, including campuses, research stations and some miscellaneous facilities too.

Scope 1 (direct emissions), scope 2 (purchased electricity) and scope 3 (indirect emissions) align with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

View All Interactive Dashboards

The team behind the scenes

Energy & Climate Action (ECA) works to reduce the university's overall environmental impact by planning and implementing strategic sustainability projects across its five campuses.

Through partnerships with university departments, faculties and external stakeholders, ECA tackles sustainable projects related to climate, energy, water, waste, transportation, green buildings certification, purchasing and procurement and food and dining.

Collaborating and partnering

Partnerships with university departments, faculties and external stakeholders are just some of the ways Energy & Climate Action works with others to lead the way in efficiency and green energy. Contact us if you're interested in collaborating.

Email us at emso@ualberta.ca or follow us on Twitter @UAlbertaEMSO

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