Investments represent the University's endowment and non-endowed funds. All investment activity is carried out under the oversight of the Board Investment Committee. The Board Investment Committee is responsible for all investment related governance matters, reports to the Board of Governors on a regular basis, and brings forward changes to the University Funds Investment Policy and the University Endowment Pool Spending Policy to the Board of Governors for final approval.
Statement of Investment Principles and Beliefs (SIP&B)
The purpose of the SIP&B is to document the consensus views of the Board Investment Committee with respect to asset allocation, implementation, performance evaluation and risk management, and responsible investment. The SIP&B is reviewed annually by the committee to ensure the documented beliefs remain valid.
University Funds Investment Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish distinct asset allocation and risk tolerances for each of the university's funds according to the individual fund's spending obligations, objectives, and liquidity requirements.
University Endowment Pool Spending Policy
The purpose of this policy, in conjunction with the University Funds Investment Policy, is to preserve the real value of endowment assets over time, while maintaining an appropriate and stable level of support to the current generation of beneficiaries.