Archbishop Richard Smith issued the following letter on Oct. 24, 2019.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I would like to share with you the news that Fr. Terence Kersch, csb, President of St. Joseph's College, has indicated to the Board of Governors his intention to step down from his role as President effective June 30, 2020. He will commence an administrative leave from July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021.
Fr. Kersch has played a leading role in advancing the vision and mission of St. Joseph's College since the summer of 2011 and his impact has been transformational. Since joining St. Joseph's College, Fr. Kersch has worked tirelessly to lead the College, has commissioned a history to be written, has shepherded a process to reaffirm the Identity and Mission of St. Joseph's College (2015), initiated and guided the approval of the College's Strategic Plan and has challenged all constituents of the College To Live Our Mission.
Under Fr. Kersch's leadership, St. Joseph's College saw the addition of a new Women's Residence, fulfilling Archbishop O'Leary's vision of St. Joseph's as framed in the Act establishing the College in 1926. Throughout his tenure, the college has seen enrolment increases, growth in graduates completing the Certificate of Catholic Education and the overall enhanced presence of the College in the heart of the University of Alberta campus. For these accomplishments, we will be forever grateful to him and the Basilian Fathers.
During his administrative leave, Fr. Kersch will undertake further studies in the field of Middle Eastern society and politics, political theory and international relations theory at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Following his administrative leave, Fr. Kersch will participate in the Basilian Fathers' Latin American formation program concurrent with his teaching and further research in Middle Eastern studies.
I, along with the Board of Governors, would like to thank Fr. Kersch for his outstanding contributions as President over the last 8 years. Finally, the Board of Governors of St. Joseph's College will begin the process of a search for a new President along with planning for interim leadership in the coming weeks.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
+Richard W. Smith
Archbishop of Edmonton
Board of Governors Chair