SJC will be offering four new courses in the coming academic year. CHRTC 203 "Topics in Catholic Tradition: The Persistence of Religious Faith," taught by Timothy Nelson, considers themes such as joy, faith, creed, ethics, sanity, thought, paradox, revolution, authority, and romance in selected works of C.S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers, and G.K. Chesterton. CHRTC 203 "Gospel Music and Cultures," taught by Daniel Stadnicki, examines the phenomenon of gospel music from a range of global, analytical and theoretical perspectives.
CHRTC 309 "Issues of Conscience and Health Care Practice," taught by Christina Lamb, looks at how the role of conscience as an essential part of moral decision-making, particularly in bioethics and health care practice. CHRTC 309 "Christian Lives," taught by Indre Cuplinskas, explores the lives and times of five Christian men and women who lived over the past two thousand years. To register for any or all of these courses, see Beartracks.
SJC has seen steady growth in student enrollments over the past few years, from 1853 (2016-2017) to 2180 (2017-2018) to 2615 (2018-2019), representing more than a 40% increase over two years. Thanks to all the students taking our courses who have made this growth possible.