For more information on our courses, please check our Winter 2013 Courses.
Sport and Religion
(CHRTC 309 X50)
This course will investigate the interaction between Sport and Religion from a Christian perspective. Students will explore content and methods which overlap in Sport and Religion, such as: transcendence, body/spirit unity, virtue and character development, gamesmanship vs sportsmanship, competition, violence, and play. Students will examine levels of engagement in sport and their interrelationship with spirituality and religion.
International Field Education: Guatemala
(CHRTC 309 X51)
Supervised work experience in approved Christian social agencies with seminars and assignments integrating the theological literature with issues raised by social action and placement experiences. Students will be required to travel to Guatemala over reading week and must have instructor's approval prior to registration.
The Apocryphal Gospels: Forty Other Ancient Texts about Jesus
(CHRTC 309 B5)
Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code introduced many readers to the Gospel of Philip and Gospel of Mary, which describe a scintillating relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The unusual portrayal of Jesus' life and teachings in the Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas, and approximately forty other ancient texts, continues to intrigue scholars. This course will explore the fascinating descriptions of Jesus in the apocryphal (i.e. hidden) gospels, provide an introduction to current issues in the interpretation of these texts, and examine their impact on our understanding of Jesus and early Christianity.