Sociology graduate students have been active conference participants this past spring. Temitope Oriola, Kelly Struthers Montford, Jasmine Thomas, and Terra Manca presented papers at the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Annual Meetings in Fredericton, New Brunswick in early June, as did incoming graduate student Gary Barron.
Kamrul Islam presented a paper at the Canadian Population Society meetings, while Manoj Misra presented at the Canadian Association for Food Studies and the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development. Dayna Crosby, Kelly Struthers Montford, Laura Aylsworth, Terra Manca, Emily Snyder and Jasmine Thomas all presented their research at the Canadian Law and Society Association meetings.
Ashley Elaine York will present a paper at the 2011 Console-ing Passions International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media and Feminism in Adelaide, South Australia in late July.