Intermedia Research Studio Presents "Standard Operating Procedure"

Sociology's Intermedia Research Studio, in conjunction with the Metro Cinema Society presents a special screening of Errol Morris' documentary Standard Operating Procedure. The docum

4 September 2008

Sociology's Intermedia Research Studio, in conjunction with the Metro Cinema Society presents a special screening of Errol Morris' documentary Standard Operating Procedure. The documentary will be followed by a short presentation by Craig Campbell (UA sociology) and Jerry White (UA Film Studies). We will then host an informal discussion.

More info:

When is it?
Tuesday, September 9th at 7pm
Where is metro cinema?
Zeidler Hall - main floor of the Citadel Theatre Complex
7 Sir Winston Churchill Square NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 2V4
(780) 425-9212
What does it cost?
Tickets are $8