Teaching Squares
Teaching Squares aim to enhance teaching development, strengthen collegiality and build interdisciplinary connections across our college — ultimately fostering a collaborative and supportive learning community.
In alignment with the Centre for Teaching and Learning, the College of Social Sciences and Humanities is excited to launch Teaching Squares. Teaching Squares bring together small groups of instructors from our college who are interested in developing their teaching practices through structured peer engagement. In this instance, the square’s four sides represent our four faculties, with the shape itself symbolizing their interconnectedness through interdisciplinarity.
Participants meet at least twice in a session and visit each other’s classrooms to observe and reflect on different pedagogical approaches. Tenured and tenure-track faculty and career ATS from CSSH are encouraged to join. A diverse set of members can help foster mentorship opportunities and act as a part of ongoing efforts to renew teaching skills.
While participation is recognized in end-of-year evaluations, information shared within the group remains confidential and is not reported beyond the participants. Teaching Squares may be discipline-specific, but they often provide valuable insights when engaging with colleagues from outside of one’s discipline.
Program Overview
Meetings may follow a variety of patterns and participants are welcome to meet more often, but the schedule of activities might typically be distributed over the semester as follows:
- Email Introduction
Group members are introduced via email to select a time for their first meeting. Before the first meeting, each participant shares their syllabus for one class and their schedule for that class so others can review them in advance. They should also plan to share their Canvas course page, including rubrics and assessments. - Meeting 1: Initial Discussion
The group meets to discuss the shared materials and provide initial feedback on syllabi and course structures. Members also identify what aspects of their teaching they would most like feedback on. Additionally, the group plans classroom visits, ensuring that each participant observes at least one session from each of their peers. - Class Visits
Each member attends their colleagues' classes, recording notes and observations based on the feedback focus areas identified in the initial meeting. If a group expands beyond four individuals, it may not be possible for everyone to attend everyone else’s classes. - Meeting 2: Providing Feedback
After attending classes, participants meet to discuss their insights. Specifically, members share what they have learned or appreciated about each other’s teaching while also offering constructive feedback on ways to further enhance or refine their pedagogical approaches. - Providing a Summary
After meeting 2, members are encouraged to provide each other with a written summary of the feedback discussed in that session. This process will be helpful to your colleagues when they are applying for tenure and/or promotion, or being nominated for a teaching award.
The program requires a commitment of approximately 4.5 months, with a total time investment of 9.5 to 11.5 hours.
Interested in participating?
The first Teaching Squares will be matched for courses in Fall 2025, with initial meetings taking place in August 2025.
To receive more information or to sign up: