Sustaining Earth's Systems

Sustainability on Earth

Sustainability and conservation are two driving forces of scientific research. With growing concerns relating to climate change, many scientists have taken interdisciplinary approaches in their research in hopes of gleaning greater understanding of the causes and effects of our rapidly changing environment.

The University of Alberta invests in this area of research to drive groundbreaking discoveries, inform sustainability practices, and contribute to the global conversation.

Research Areas

Ice berg floating in arctic ocean surrounded by ice caps

Climate Change

Visit our climate change page to learn more about the research our scientists are doing to better understand our changing environment.

Corked bottle of green liquid standing on hardwood floor, two empty bottles lay next to it.

Green Chemistry and Catalysis

Visit our green chemistry and catalysis page to learn more about our work to reduce the environmental impact of chemical reactions and products.

Elk bull being followed by two boars in single file in a forest

Environmental Observation and Modelling

Visit our environmental observation and modelling page to learn more about our work observing the environment to inform conservation and sustainability practices.

Clusters of grey capped mushrooms with translucent stems on leafy ground.

Mathematical Biology

Visit our mathematical biology page to learn more about our work developing mathematical models to further our understanding of environmental impacts on the living organisms within Earth's biosphere.