Will Siva-Jothy MSc| DERTS Trainees
Degree program: Master of Science, University of Alberta
Supervisors: Thomas Stachel, Graham Pearson
Email: wsivajot@ualberta.ca
Will defended his MSc in February 2020.
My research involves examination of mineral inclusions within diamonds obtained from the recently opened Gacho Kue mine, within the Slave Craton. Samples have been provided by DeBeers. The aim of my project is to identify the major element chemistry, and how it relates to the nitrogen content and stable isotope data of the enclosing diamond, with olivine inclusions being prioritised, as they enable temperature estimates for the initial conditions. Prior to starting this program, I assisted in a research project at the University of Leeds, as an undergraduate, examining the Sr and Nd signatures in clinopyroxene phenocrysts from the Eifel field. In the future, I plan to apply the techniques, expertise and approaches I will develop during this program to examine formation processes from other diamond-bearing localities.
DeBeers Group South Africa: May - July, 2018
Alberta Geolopgical Survey: May - July,2019
Anzolini, C, Siva-Jothy, WK, Locock, AJ, Nestola, F, Balić-Žunić, T, Alvaro, M, Chinn, IL, Stachel, T, Pearson, DG (2022) Heamanite - (Ce), (K0.5Ce0.5)TiO3, a new perovskite supergroup mineral found in diamond from Gahcho Kué, Canada. American Mineralogist, V107. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2022-8098
Siva-Jothy, W. (2020) Studies of inclusions and their host diamonds from the Gahcho Kué mine, Canada. MSc Thesis University of Alberta, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7939/r3-5y8z-rq94