Bachelor of Science (BSc) Specialization Course Registration

The four year program curriculum for each Specialization degree is listed in the University calendar. Please read this section carefully for course listings as well as continuation requirements in each specific program.

Specialization Program Requirements

Forward questions about your program outline or approved options to the Department.

Planning sheets for the following degrees are available on Department websites. Programs not listed below do not have separate planning sheets posted.

Planning sheets for the following degrees
Astrophysics Integrative Physiology
Biochemistry Immunology and Infection
Cell Biology Mathematics
Chemistry Math and Economics
Computational Science (Mathematics) Math and Finance
Computing Science Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Computing Science - Business Minor Paleontology
Computing Science - Software Practice Physics
Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology Pharmacology
Environmental Earth Science Planning
Geology Psychology
Geophysics Statistics

A few things to know...

  • Each individual program has its own set of rules that must be followed.
  • Pay attention to course load (number of courses taken per academic year) and GPA (Grade Point Average) requirements as these programs often have strict requirements.
  • Most Specialization programs require a GPA between 2.3 and 2.7 in order for you to remain in good standing.
  • For Approved Options you must contact your Departmental Advisor.

Common Questions

1. Do I have to take English in my first year?

The completion of 6 credits in junior level English is required for some of the Specialization programs. For others, it is only a recommendation. You also do not have to take English in your first year. As long as you complete the English requirement before you apply to graduate, you will be fine.

2. What are Approved options?

The Departments will often have a list of course options that have been pre-approved by your advisor. If a list has not been provided, contact us for assistance.

3. Can I be a part time student?

You may not attend part time while registered in a Specialization degree. All of our Specialization degrees have course load requirements that must be followed. Review your program curriculum to ensure you have registered for the right number of courses.


Meet with your Department Advisor at the beginning of the school year to discuss your goals and to ensure you have registered in the correct courses. The Advisor list will be available in the Faculty of Science, Student Services Office once you start university