All graduate programs include coursework. Courses must be a 500-level (or above) graduate course in Critical Reading/Thinking and Background Knowledge Core Competencies. All course selections are to be discussed between supervisor and student. Exceptions will be granted on a case-by-case basis by the Graduate Program Director. Students are responsible to ensure their continued registration during each term to remain active in the program. For students admitted in Fall 2011 and onwards, Spring and Summer term registration will occur automatically. After completion of coursework, continued registration in THESIS is required to remain in the program.
Note: Under the Western Deans' Agreement it is possible to register in courses at some other universities without incurring additional fees. Information is available at the GPS website.
MSc Course Requirements
- Minimum of 1 course (3 credits) in Critical Reading/Thinking OR Background Knowledge
PhD Course Requirements
- Minimum of 2 courses (6 credits) in Critical Reading/Thinking AND Background Knowledge
★ 3 (fi 6) (second term, 3-0-0) Background Knowledge Course
Lectures and seminars on: classification, description and measurement of psychiatric disorders; sleep disorders; biochemical theories of psychiatric disorders, and discussions of how the actions of the drugs used to treat these disorders relate to these theories; practical aspects of drug treatment; biological markers; brain imaging; women's health issues; herbal products and psychiatry.
Prerequisite: Consent of Department
Course Details: PSYCI511
Offered During: Winter Term
Coordinator: Esther Fujiwara
★ 3 (fi 6) (second term,3-0-0) Background Knowledge Course
Lectures and seminars on mental health from the perspective of the developing child and adolescent. As the foundations of mental health are determined by the complex interplay of genetics and the environment, issues related to maternal mental health and potential impact on the developing foetus are also examined.
Prerequisite: Consent of Department
Offered During: Winter Term
Instructor: Andrew Greenshaw
★ 3 (fi 6) (either term, 3-0-0) Background Knowledge Course
An in-depth analysis of current psychiatric practice in relation to diagnosis, choice of treatment and evaluation of clinical responses. Emphasis will be placed on current research in selected areas of psychiatry.
Prerequisite: Consent of Department
Course Details: PSYCI 601 Example Syllabus
Offered During: Fall Term
Coordinator: Allen Chan
★ 3 (fi 6) (either term, 3-0-0) Background Knowledge Course
A discussion of selected topics of current interest in psychiatry including neurobiological and psychosocial aspects of the etiology and treatment of mental disorders.
Prerequisite: Consent of Department
Course Details: PSYCI 602 Example Syllabus
Offered During: Fall Term
Coordinator: Allen Chan
★ 3 (fi 6) (either term, 3-0-0) Critical Reading/Thinking Course
This course allows a student to study an area of psychiatry in much greater detail than usual. Format is usually a reading/tutorial in which the student carries out directed reading and meets with the tutor regularly. Term papers will be used for evaluation purposes. The course requires independent study. Students who have a particular interest in any specific area in psychiatry are encouraged to meet with Faculty members to explore the possibly of arranging a suitable topic.
Prerequisite: Consent of Department
Course Details: PSYCI 603 Example Syllabus
Offered During: Fall Term and Winter Term
Coordinator: Andrew Greenshaw
★ 3 (fi 6) (second term, 0-3s-0)
Seminar course with lectures and reading-based class discussion on recent cognitive-affective neuroscience findings in psychiatry. All psychiatric disorders are characterized by alterations in emotions, thoughts and cognition, yet neuroscientific evidence to corroborate and refine this observation has only recently begun to be integrated into psychiatric theory and research. Readings (updated annually) and discussions will review neural manifestations of cognitive-affective disturbances across and within mental illnesses. Following introductory lecture sessions, students will review, analyze and discuss in class recent neurocognitive findings in psychiatry. The goal of this course is to promote a neurobiological understanding of cognitive-affective changes within and across mental illnesses.
Prerequisite: Consent of Department
Course Details: PSYCI 604
Instructor: Esther Fujiwara