Safety + Security Camera Systems

Video monitoring and Access Control are used on University of Alberta campuses for the purposes of public safety, security of property, the maintenance of public order, deterrence, detection and prevention of crime, law enforcement, and law enforcement investigations. This includes the use of CCTV security cameras. CCTV security cameras are generally located at main entrances of buildings, large public spaces and gathering spaces, parking lots and structures, and in areas of community vulnerability.

The personal information collected via these systems is done so under the authority of Section 33 (b) and (c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. Please direct any questions about this collection to University of Alberta Protective Services at 780-492-5050.

Please note that videos may also be taken by the University of Alberta for a variety of other purposes. Examples include teaching, research, or the recording of a public ceremony (e.g. convocation ceremony). Notification of the purposes for these recordings, and the appropriate person to contact with any questions, will be made available at or before the time that such recordings are made.

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