(Edmonton) Avenue Magazine has named astronomer Gregory Sivakoff as one of Edmonton's Top 40 Under 40 for 2014.
Sivakoff is a stargazer intent on sharing his love for astrophysics-especially black holes. He monitors 10 high-powered telescopes located across the United States to observe the interaction between black holes and surrounding stars. He's been interviewed on CBC's Quirks and Quarks, and two years ago attracted national and international attention after his insights were published in a NASA press release.
Sivakoff is an assistant professor at the University of Alberta and assists with the observatory, which attracts 4,000 visitors every year.
"Within astrophysics we have developed an incredible collaborative support system that benefits both the students and professors," he says, adding that he also encourages the general public, or "citizen scientists," to take an interest in the cosmos.
"I see us becoming one of not just Canada's, but the world's premier locations to study the 'stellar undead'-the remnants of stars that are now active again because they are feeding on a nearby star.
"Altogether this creates an incredible opportunity for me to probe the universe's unknowns and bring them down to earth."