Research Areas

The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is advancing a healthier world through groundbreaking and transformative pharmacy education and research through three strategic areas of research.
drug discovery + Development
Our research in drug discovery and development focuses on enhancing drug efficacy and safety through studying molecular interactions, designing improved compounds, and creating innovative delivery systems for small molecules, peptides, and proteins. We use translational human disease models to analyze drug action, disposition, metabolism and toxicity, developing pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models to predict in vivo behaviour and optimize dosing. Preclinical testing is performed in-house with advanced analytical and imaging techniques.
Researchers in this Area:
Health Services Research
Health services research aims to generate evidence for informed healthcare decisions and improve patient and population health. By integrating innovative methods with practical strategies, this research addresses challenges in healthcare delivery, policy, and outcomes, ultimately contributing to evidence-based policies that enhance health outcomes and system efficiency. Key areas of this research include social and management sciences, health equity, policy, and economics, patient safety, epidemiology, knowledge translation and pharmacy practice.
Researchers in this Area:
Pharmacy Education
Pharmacy education aims to improve the quality of pharmacy education and practice through exceptional scholarship and research. As a collaborative community of experts in teaching, learning, curriculum development, and educational leadership, members are dedicated to identifying best practices and tackling key challenges in academic pharmacy while nurturing the next generation of educational leaders and researchers in the field.