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Why not using cash during COVID-19 could make you more likely to overspend

U of A experts offer tips on how to handle your money during the pandemic—including decontaminating bills and coins.

Obesity rates likely to rise during COVID-19 pandemic, study suggests

New consumer psychology research shows people under financial stress want to eat more of everything.

Five ways COVID-19 will change the food business

New eating and shopping habits likely here to stay as pandemic measures ease, U of A food economist predicts.

Investing in green future easier said than done for Alberta, say economists

Capitalizing on an educated workforce and taking a hard look at taxation would help the province diversify its post-pandemic economy, according to two U of A experts.

Repurposing spaces left vacant by COVID-19 could breathe new life into cities, says researcher

New guide shows how planners can revive social life of urban centres by shifting focus of vacant spaces from commercial to cultural.

How to launch a career during COVID-19

Expert advice on navigating the job search without sacrificing mental health

Pandemic increases importance of entrepreneurship and innovation

Business professors see long-term growth possibilities in post-pandemic landscape.

U of A spinoff company developing simple blood test to predict severity of COVID-19 in patients

Nanostics using diagnostic technology to help health professionals intervene more quickly and efficiently with patients who are likely to need hospital care.

Entrepreneurial thinking in action

Business professors rise to the challenge with innovations in remote delivery of classes.

U of A economists see COVID-19 as global problem in our backyard

From policy responses to implications on the global scale, researchers are closely watching an unprecedented pandemic.

Door levers and handrails made of compressed salt could be effective against viruses such as COVID-19

U of A researchers, startup company team up to prevent spread of viral infections through high-touch surfaces.

COMMENTARY || Now is not the time to abandon key drivers of post-pandemic recovery

Economic support from governments must include the energy, resource and agricultural sectors, argues U of A business dean.

Business as unusual

COVID-19 is taking a toll on companies. Owners offer some helpful tips.

U of A spinoff company searches for antiviral compounds to treat COVID-19

48Hour Discovery aims to develop clinically useful compounds by end of this year.

Working from home? Here are five tips to create a healthy workspace

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine clinical instructor Dr. Linda Miller offers live-stream as a way to “give back to the community” during this unprecedented time.

Why some local businesses will get through COVID-19 better than others

Family firms and retailers with online presence more likely to survive economic standstill and changes in consumer behaviour that will follow, say U of A experts.

Hoarding ‘cycle of hysteria’ putting unnecessary strain on supply chain

Unpredictable consumer behaviour makes it harder to manage inventories in a system meant to provide just enough just in time, says food economist.

Edmonton company Entos developing DNA vaccine against COVID-19

U of A cancer researcher John Lewis’s health-care biotechnology company is working on a vaccine to be delivered directly into patients’ cells, driving a protective immune response.

Six ways to stay productive when working from home

Juggling work, kids and COVID-19 worries at home isn’t easy, but there are some simple things you can do to make the adjustment easier.