Access, Community + Belonging in CNAS
Everyone in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences has a role to play in learning and taking action.
EDI committees
The Associate Dean (Access, Community and Belonging) connects EDI committees across the college and provides advice to faculty and department EDI committees within the College, who play vital roles in advancing our shared goals.
Student groups + opportunities
- Ada’s Team: Promotes diversity in computing science, games, technology, engineering and mathematics at U of A
- Association for Women in Mathematics Student Chapter (AWMSC) University of Alberta
- Diversity in Engineering (also the local EngiQueers chapter): Seeks to advance equity in access to engineering programs and employment opportunities
- FEM+ Engineering Mentorship Program
- Grace Anne Stewart Speaker Series: Student-led effort to connect students and faculty of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences to a greater diversity of geoscientists
- IBET Momentum Fellowship: National call to Indigenous and Black scholars to pursue full-time PhD studies in any engineering discipline at U of A
- Scientific QUEERies: Seminar series that welcomes LGBTQ2S+ speakers from all STEM disciplines
- Turing Society: EDI and peer support group for U of A computing science graduate students
- UAP-JEDI: U of A physicists for justice, equality, diversity and inclusion
- UAWIC: Working for inclusivity in chemistry at U of A
- UA-WISE: Support and mentorship for undergraduate students under-represented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
- WiSER: Supports U of A graduate students and early-career professionals in science, technology, engineering and mathematics from academia, government, and industry in Edmonton
Engaging children and youth
- AlbertaSat is a group of students and faculty at the University of Alberta who design, build, test, launch, and operate satellites and are engaged in educational outreach.
- ELITE (Experiential Learning in Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship) Program for Black Youth creates opportunities for Black Youth between the ages of 15 and 22 to participate in paid internships to work on projects with university researchers, companies, and government agencies.
- Future Energy Systems at the University of Alberta provides a wide range of engagement opportunities for children and youth including resources for Alberta teachers and videos for children and youth, a children’s book series, charge up for an energy adventure, and science literacy week.
- Let’s Talk Science is a national charitable organization which provides programs and resources to help improve youth education and engagement in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
- Student group TeamUP Science provides hands-on learning, mentorship and networking opportunities in the science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) fields for youths especially inner city, rural, and Indigenous populations.
- The USchool University of Alberta senate program brings to the University of Alberta campus grade 3-9 classes in socially vulnerable areas within Edmonton, Indigenous schools in Edmonton and the surrounding area, and rural schools surrounding Edmonton.
- WISEST (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, and Technology) focuses on empowering women and gender diverse students to pursue and succeed in science, engineering and technology. WISEST programs include the Choices conference, the SET conference, and the Summer research program.