Graduate FAQ
The following lists outline some common questions from graduate students regarding registration, special topics and course information. Please let us know if you have any further questions that that are not covered in this FAQ area.
How do I know which classes to take?
Please always consult with your Graduate Supervisor first and foremost.
Where are graduate seminar topics listed?
They are found under Variable Course Listings in our All Students Resources section of the website.
May I register for private lessons if I am not a Performance major?
You may make a request to the Chair of the Department, however we cannot guarantee that you will be able to take lessons. To make a request, please have your supervisor contact the Graduate Administrator directly via e-mail. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.
May I audit a course?
Graduate music students may audit any course with prior approval of the Instructor. Please contact the Instructor directly for permission. NB: Applied music courses cannot be audited.
Do language courses count toward the "option" requirements of my degree?
No, undergraduate language courses only count toward your language requirement, not the degree requirements.
May I register in undergraduate courses for credit?
Only the following Music courses are pre-approved to count toward graduate programs:
MUSIC 321, 322, 403, 404, 413, 433, 434, 435, 436, 445, 501,502, 505, 507, 508, 525, 533, 534, 535, 542, 545, 555, 556, 560.
On a case-by-case basis, your supervisor and the Graduate Administrator may approve for you to take undergraduate courses from other Departments for graduate credit. Your supervisor contacts the Graduate Administrator directly.
Do I need to register for courses if I am submitting my thesis/dissertation?
This is dependent on when you plan to submit your work. Please visit the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies for more information on completing your thesis.
Full-Time Status
What exactly is full-time status?
Full-time status is defined as carrying a minimum course load of 9 credits in Fall and Winter, and 6 credits in Spring and Summer. Spring and Summer registration is automatically completed by the GPS and all students commencing their programs September 2011 or later are automatically registered in Thesis 906.
Also, for those students whose programs commenced in September 2011 or later, you are allowed to register in up to 18 credits of course work without impacting your program fees in the Fall and Winter semesters.
Who must maintain full-time status?
As per the GPS Graduate Program Manual, all students who begin their programs as full-time students are expected to remain full-time for the duration of their program. The only way to be a part-time student is to apply as a part-time student. For the GPS policy on full-time registration, please see here.
How do I maintain full-time status after completing my required courses?
Thesis-based students should enroll in Thesis Credits . Thesis 903, 906 and 909, valued at 3 credits, 6 credits sand 9 credits respectively, are the most common Thesis Credits courses.
Consent of the Department
When must I seek consent from the Department of Music?
To register for certain courses, you must have the approval of the Instructor. For such courses, a message will appear in Beartracks informing you that departmental consent is mandatory.
How do I obtain the instructor's approval?
Please contact the Instructor directly. If given permission, you should register for the course on BearTracks. Most courses do not require the Graduate Administrator to register you, unless the course status is closed.
Beartracks Registration
I want to take a class but it is full. What do I do?
You can contact the Instructor to see if s/he will make a concession for you. This is up to her/his discretion, in addition to the space constraints of the room.
I am unable to register for a class on BearTracks because its status is "closed". What do I do?
Contact the Graduate Administrator a minimum of five working days before the add/drop deadline with the following information:
-The course number
-the time
-the term
-the instructor
How do I enroll in more than one chamber music course in the same year?
First step: Ask your supervisor which instructor would best oversee the grade for your chamber music project. Contact the instructor directly.
Second step: Email the Graduate Advisor for the Proposal for Tutorial or Specialized Ensemble form. Submit this form no later than five working days before the add/drop deadline to the Graduate Advisor. The Chair of the Department of Music then approves the course. Pending approval, the Graduate Advisor will register you for the course (MUSIC 542).
I have taken MUSIC 542 before-may I take it again?
Yes, it is repeatable. Please note that each registration must be accompanied by the aforementioned form to be re-approved by the Chair.
I would like to undertake a special project. What do I do?
First step: Ask your supervisor which instructor would best oversee the grade for your chamber music project. Contact the instructor directly.
Second step: Email the Graduate Advisor for the Proposal for Tutorial or Specialized Ensemble form. Submit this form no later than five working days before the add/drop deadline to the Graduate Advisor. The Chair of the Department of Music then approves the course. Pending approval, the Graduate Advisor will register you for the course (MUSIC 601/602).
I have taken MUSIC 601/602 before-may I take it again?
Yes, it is repeatable. Please note that each registration must be accompanied by the aforementioned form to be re-approved by the Chair.
I would like to pursue an extra research project for credit-may I take MUSIC 699?
MUSIC 699 is restricted to Ph.D. students. For research projects, please see the above two paragraphs.
I have taken MUSIC 639 (Vocal and Instrumental Chamber Ensemble) before-may I take it again?
Yes, MUSIC 639 may be taken up to five times for credit.