Auditions for Ensembles & Competitions

Ensembles are open to all U of A students, including non-Music students. Interested students may register in the ensemble(s) of their choice prior to auditioning, however, students are strongly advised to ensure that their registration matches the ensemble in which they are participating by or before the registration and Add/Drop deadlines. Please contact your academic advisor to help confirm your registration.

For audition requirements or information on performance course content, please visit the ensemble web page or contact the ensemble coordinator directly.

Uniform dress may be required for ensemble performances and a nominal "caution fee" to cover the cost of music lost during the year may be charged.

Information on Department of Music's two annual performance competitions, the Concerto Competition and the Alberta Baroque Music Society Scholarship in Music scholarship competition can be found here.

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Chamber Music

Coordinator: Allison Balcetis (; coaches vary based on instrumentation

Auditions: There are no auditions.  Students are placed with others of similar abilities, in consultation with your private lesson instructor.  Students wishing to take part in Chamber Music classes may try to form their own ensembles, but many will be formed by the coordinator and private instructors based on appropriate repertoire available and the skill level of those involved.  Admission will be based on availability of teaching resources and viability of ensemble combinations.

Other course information: Bachelor of Music (B.Mus Performance) students are given priority.  It is possible, though rare, for first or second year students to participate due to the load of your course schedules in those years.  Students will be notified of their status in the course prior to the add/drop deadline. Students intending to take part in Chamber Music must be prepared to clear M-W-F from 12:00-1:00 pm. Despite how it appears in your Bear Tracks schedule, we meet every Wednesday at noon and then you will meet twice more each week with your ensemble at a time of your choosing.  

Please make every effort to register for chamber music prior to our first orientation meeting, Wednesday September 4th at noon in the Fine Arts Building Room 1-29.

Concert Band

Director: Daryl Price
Requirements: All students interested in participating in U of A Instrumental Ensembles are required to audition in order to be placed in an ensemble. There are three large instrumental ensembles - Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra.

You will have 5 minutes to play two contrasting sections from pieces that will show the best of your technical and musical/lyrical abilities on your instrument(s). You will also be given a short sight reading excerpt to play as well. 

Auditions will take place from Thursday, Aug. 29 to Tuesday, Sept. 3. Note that rehearsals will begin the the first week of classes based on audition results, which will be emailed to you. 

Sign up for your audition here.

Concerto Competition

Coordinator: Guillaume Tardif
Date & Time:
October 26, 2024
Requirements: Information regarding eligibility, registration, and other details may be found on the Competitions page. 

Concert Choir & Madrigal Singers

Directors: Dr. Timothy Shantz (Madrigal Singers) and Dr. Adam Robertson (Concert Choir)

Dates, Times & Locations:

  • Tuesday, September 3, 2024 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.), Fine Arts Building 3-46
  • Wednesday, September 4, 2024 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.), Fine Arts Building 3-46
  • Thursday, September 5, 2024 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.), Fine Arts Building 3-46
  • Friday, September 6, 2024 (1 p.m.-4 p.m.), Fine Arts Building 3-46

Sign-up for a time here:

Audition Requirements:

You will also be asked to perform a series of vocal exercises as well as sing-backs and a short sight-reading excerpt.

The audition will be the same for Madrigal Singers and/or Concert Choir.


  • M (13:00-13:50 & 17:00-17:50)
  • W (13:00-13:50)
  • F (13:00-13:50)


  • M (18:00-18:50)
  • T (12:30-13:50)
  • R (12:30-13:50)

Conducting Class Ensemble/Instrumental & Vocal Ensemble
Director: Timothy Shantz
Further Information: please contact director, above 

Experimental Improvisation Ensemble (XImE)

Directors: TBD
Date & Time: TBD

Indian Music Ensemble

Director: Sharmila Mathur
Date & Time: Tuesday, September 3 at 6.30 pm
Location: FAB 2-7
Audition Requirements:  Basic aptitude and interest in learning Indian Music

Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble 

Director: Michael Frishkopf
Date & Time: Thursday, January 9, 6:30-9:30 PM (Winter term)
Location: FAB 2-7
Audition Requirements: None; this is a meeting for consent only.

Opera Workshop

Directors: Shannon Hiebert (Director, Coordinator); John Tessier (Coordinator)
Regular Class Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 - 5:30 (via Zoom)
Audition Times: By appointment. Please contact course director, Shannon Hiebert at to arrange a live, online audition time.  
Audition Requirements: Sing, for memory, one opera aria (any language), operetta aria (any language) or art song (any language) AND speak, from memory, 1 monologue (in English).

Symphonic Wind Ensemble

Director: Dr. Angela Schroeder
Requirements: All students interested in participating in U of A Instrumental Ensembles are required to audition in order to be placed in an ensemble. There are three large instrumental ensembles - Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra.

You will have 5 minutes to play two contrasting sections from pieces that will show the best of your technical and musical/lyrical abilities on your instrument(s). You will also be given a short sight reading excerpt to play as well. 

Auditions will take place from Thursday, Aug. 29 to Tuesday, Sept. 3. Note that rehearsals will begin the the first week of classes based on audition results, which will be emailed to you. 

Sign up for your audition here.

University Symphony Orchestra  

Director: Petar Dundjerski
Auditions: Please note that wind and percussion auditions are run in conjunction with Symphonic Wind Ensemble (SWE) auditions. To audition for USO as a wind or percussion player, please sign up for a SWE audition (details above).

Requirements: All students interested in participating in U of A Instrumental Ensembles are required to audition in order to be placed in an ensemble. There are three large instrumental ensembles – Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band and Symphony Orchestra.

String Audition Requirements: String auditions will take place in person. Audition details will be updated on this page as soon as they have been determined.

Audition requirements: Please download the applicable excerpt(s) below to prepare for the audition. You may play a piece of your choosing in addition to the excerpt – no accompaniment. A short sight reading excerpt will also be provided.

Please fill out the following form prior to your audition: USO String Audition Form, then sign up for an audition spot here. Auditions will take place on Tuesday, 3 September, 2024 in room FAB 2-26. First rehearsal is on Thursday, 5 September at 19:00 in FAB 1-23. Audition results will be emailed to you.


Fall & Winter Term:

  • Mon (17:00-18:50)
  • Thurs (19:00-20:50)

West African Music Ensemble 

Director: Robert Kpogo
Regular Class Time: Winter 2025; Wednesdays from 6:30-9:30pm; FAB 2-7
Requirements: There are no auditions. All students from across campus at any level – from 1st year to graduate – are welcome to enroll. There will be a meeting on the first Wednesday of the Winter term to confirm registration.