Watercolour illustration of brownish grey coloured lake trout with white spots on a brackish green blue background

Mainstage Concerts at Convocation Hall

Schubert's “Trout” and More

September 14, 2024 | 2 pm

Convocation Hall
Old Arts Building, University of Alberta Campus | 113 Street, 91 Avenue, Edmonton

Robert Uchida | violin
Matthew Cohen | viola
Rafael Hoekman | cello
Hilda Cowie | double-bass
Zhenni Li-Cohen | piano

Performing Brahms Piano Quartet No.3 in C minor, Op. 60 and Schubert Piano Quintet in A major, “Trout”, D. 667

Come enjoy an afternoon of 19th century masterpieces! Schubert's timeless, sparkling "Trout" quintet is paired with Brahms' dark and brooding third piano quartet — truly a journey through the spectrum of human emotions. Not to be missed!