About us

The University of Alberta Mountain Initiative took root in 2011 when we discovered many researchers across our campus shared a great and common passion: mountains.

After gathering to share ideas, to learn about each other's research, and to find common ground, we decided to collectivize our research strength, breadth, and depth and to formalize a unique initiative-the first of its kind in Canada.

Our Initiative comprises faculty members at the University of Alberta representing several faculties, including:

Researchers and students at the University of Alberta study topics spanning the human, social, natural, and applied sciences, conducting both highly specialized and broadly interdisciplinary research and teaching in all areas of mountain studies.

Individually, we attract some of the strongest graduate students to the university-from across the country and international borders.

Our mission

The UAlberta Mountain Initiative promotes, coordinates, and conducts research from across many disciplines on mountain places, peoples, and practices, and advances both theoretical and experiential learning on campus and in mountain environments. We do this in association with our community partners.

Our goal

We seek to make mountain studies part of the core identity of the University of Alberta by building on the University's existing world-class strength in research and teaching on The North.

The UAlberta Mountain Initiative is dedicated specifically to

  1. understanding mountains, mountain cultures, and mountain activities in relation to one another,

  2. and to bringing students, faculty members, and community together through the study of mountains.

Our partners

Current Community Partners (formal and informal) with University of Alberta mountain studies researchers