About MBEL

Our Areas of Expertise

MBEL encompasses three business fields:
  • Marketing
  • Business Economics (specializing in International Business and Natural Resource/Energy Economics)
  • Business Law

The department has a doctoral program in marketing, and undergraduate specializations in marketing, retailing and services, and business economics and law. MBEL is also the home of the School of Retailing and the Centre for International Business Studies (CIBS). 

Our People

Our marketing group is particularly strong in quantitative methodology and consumer behaviour, and it attracts a number of high-quality doctoral students. The business economics group includes nationally-recognized specialists in the application of economic principles to the conduct of business and particular industries. It also has some highly-regarded people in finance and banking. The legal group provides very popular courses in the area of business law. The department also has an important international business group, which brings together marketing, finance, economics, law and strategy, as well as specific expertise on Europe, Japan, and Latin America.


Our professors regularly publish in the best academic journals and receive more than their fair share of research monies. They also achieve recognition from the student body for their excellent teaching. The department is a leader in the Faculty's international business and student exchange programs.