Like two generations of Edmonton lawyers and judges, I met David Percy as a first-year law student (Class of '79) at the U of A where he was teaching Contract Law, having taught Contract Law to my husband Peter Royal five years before (Class of '74). David must have set the record as the youngest professor of law at the U of A, as he could have easily been mistaken for a law student in those years. He has not changed in the 43 years I have known him, first as a professor, then as dean of law, lawyer and consultant and, most recently, as interim dean. He is a man of great integrity and modest character, rigorous in his approach to the law and affable and engaging with his students. Through all the years of his association with the U of A law school, he has looked for occasions to introduce and integrate law students into the legal community. I have no doubt that the next chapter of an impressive academic and legal career is just beginning.
The Hon. Mary Moreau
Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta
After 51 years in Alberta, David Percy remains truly inexhaustible. Inexhaustible in his enthusiasm for teaching the law. Inexhaustible in his identification and promotion of gifted students - including diamonds in the rough -‑ for scholarships, clerkships, graduate school or articling positions. Inexhaustible in his mentorship to countless lawyers who today occupy halls of influence around the world. And inexhaustible in his devotion to the law school to which so many of us owe so much.
The Hon. Russell Brown
Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
David and I taught Contracts together for my 13 years at the law school. Not a year went by in which David did not accuse me of getting my marks in late … (yet) it was a pleasure to work with David. He always had the best interests of the school at the centre of his decision-making, but his first concern was always our students. Fifty-one years, always willing to serve - a remarkable accomplishment, David.
Anne McLellan, P.C., O.C., A.O.E.
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones
During his 51-year career with the Faculty of Law, David Percy set the gold standard of excellence in all his roles - accomplished academic, gifted teacher, renowned water rights expert, talented administrator and devoted dean.
The Hon. Catherine Fraser
Chief Justice of Alberta
When I started Law School in 1979, I was a mature student going into a very different demanding environment. David Percy was my first year Contracts professor, and he eased my transition into law school with his understandable jargon-free approach to case law and, most of all, his friendly cheerful demeanour. That was the beginning of what became a lifelong association and friendship.
Leonard S. Tony Mandamin
Jurist in Residence
Faculty of Law/Faculty of Native Studies