Wilton Littlechild
Chief Littlechild has the distinction of being the first Treaty First Nation person to acquire his law degree from the University of Alberta in 1976. He is the Grand Chief of Treaty 6 Nations, a Cree lawyer, PhD, residential school survivor, and former Member of Parliament. He has worked both nationally and internationally, including with the United Nations to advance Indigenous rights and Treaties. Through leadership with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, he has raised awareness of former Canadian policies that decimated the livelihood and culture of Indigenous Canadians. Chief Littlechild has a lifelong love of sports and is an accomplished athlete. He is one of the founders of the North American Indigenous Games, and is helping to host the World Indigenous Nations Games being held in Edmonton and Enoch Cree Nation in July. He will also be part of the first National Gathering of Indigenous Elders this September in Edmonton. Chief Littlechild truly has a passion for community, and has made countless efforts throughout his life to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples and communities.