Material Culture Studies
Material Culture research in the Department of Human Ecology considers the social meaning of objects in relation to their creation, use, circulation and consumption in both contemporary and historical contexts, with a particular emphasis on clothing and textiles. The focus on these particular material goods is enhanced by the Department's museum quality Clothing and Textiles Collection which consists of more than 20,000 textile and garment artifacts. The interdisciplinary research in this field seeks to reveal how material forms are central to the socialization of human beings into culture.
Jimil Ataman, Assistant Professor
Jimil is an Assistant Professor of Sustainable Innovation in the Global Fashion Industry. Her research program uses ethnographic and qualitative methods to explore how sustainable fashion is made, marketed and mobilized through fashion production and consumption.
Anne Bissonnette, Professor
Anne's work is in the field of material culture studies and dress history. Her areas of research consist of fashion from the late eighteenth century to the present day, with a special interest for the cut and construction of clothing, how the body and clothes interact, and on the convergence between art, fashion and science.
Vlada Blinova, FSO/Lecturer
Vlada Blinova's teaching and research interests involve historical and technological development of cultural textiles in political, economic, environmental, and aesthetical contexts. She also focuses on issues of apparel design and product development, such as sustainable production techniques and "slow" fashion. Vlada is involved in ongoing object based research using the Anne Lambert Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Arlene Oak, Professor
Arlene Oak's research in the area of material culture studies explores how language (especially talk) is implicated in the creation, mediation, and consumption of the material world - a diverse environment that includes artworks, fashion, consumer products, graphic design, museum artifacts, buildings, urban settings, and many, many other items.
Julia Petrov, Adjunct Professor
Royal Alberta Museum
Megan Strickfaden, Professor
Strickfaden's current research interests include three core themes around people's experiences with and the production of material culture. These research themes are made up of collaborative teams that involve researchers from the University of Alberta and international institutions as well as graduate and undergraduate students.