Helena Fracchia

Professor Emerita

Scientific director, University of Alberta Excavations in Italy

Currently excavating or conducting field survey at Roccagloriosa (pre Roman site), at Oppido Lucano (Roman villa site), and, with the University of Verona, Tarquinia (Roman villa site).

Email: helena.fracchia@ualberta.ca
Mailing Address: St. Agostino, Via Guelfa 40
Cortona, Arezzo, Italy


Ph.D. Classical Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley
M.A. Classical Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley
B.A. Greek, University of California, Berkeley

Research & Publications


In preparation M. Gualtieri and H. Fracchia, La villa di Masseria Ciccotti e il periodo romana nella Basilicata orientale, for Centre Jean Berard and L'Ecole Française de Rome

2015 M. Gualtieri, H. Fracchia, S. Ferrari, (eds) La villa di Ossaia e la Val di Chiana nel contesto di Etruria romana for Quasar, Series on Etruria Romana

2001 Gualtieri and Fracchia. Roccagloriosa II: Il territorio e la regione dall' terzo secolo a.C. al tardo antico, Ecole Francaise de Rome/Centre Jean Berard Naples, vol. 16 in the series Bibliotheque de l'Institut Francaise du Naples, 250 pp.

1993 Second author in M. Gualtieri ed., Fourth Century B.C. Magna Graecia: A Case Study from Western Lucania, chaps. "The Votive Deposit pp. 108-140, "The Regional Land­scape" pp.2­27-254, "The Ceramic Industry" pp. 255-281, in Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (Goteborg, Sweden), vol. 114, 394 pp.

1990 Second author and co-editor with M. Gualtieri, Roccagloriosa I: L'Abitato, Scavo e Ricognizione (1976-1986), Ecole Francaise de Rome/Centre Jean Berard Naples, vol. 8 in the series Bibliotheque de l'Institut Francais du Naples, 500 pp. (published with a grant from the French Government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Articles/Contributions to Volumes:

2015 H. Fracchia 'Acerenza and the Upper Bradano Valley in the 2nd and 3rd c. AD' in Lucania Romana , ed. A. Mastrocinque (Archeologia di Bretschneider) Roma

2015 H. Fracchia, 'The Placement of Cult at Roccagloriosa: 3rd -1st c. BC' in BICS Roman Impact on Italic Cult Places and Religion, eds. T. Stek and G.J: Burgers..

2015 M. Gualtieri and H. Fracchia 'Archeologia di un culto 'familiare': il complesso A di Roccagloriosa' in Volume del Istituto di ricerche e documentazione sugli antichi umbri in the series Archeologia (Bretschneider) Roma.

2015 H. Fracchia and M. Gualtieri, 'Dal Territorio di Roccagloriosa al Ager Buxentinus' in "Expropriations et confiscations dans le monde romain" Coll. Ecole Francais de Rome

2014 H. Fracchia, 'Rural Agglomerations in the Upper Bradano Valley' in Beyond Vagnari, ed. A. Small, Munera 38, 193-201

2012 H. Fracchia, T. Mattioli, 'Recent Research in the Upper Bradano Valley': the vici of the 2nd c. AD' in Mouseion 10 (2010), 169-192

2012 H. Fracchia, 'Settlement, Survey and Land Use' Chapter8 in Blackwell's Companion to Roman Republican Archaeology (ed. J. De Rose Evans).

2012 H. Fracchia, 'Changing Contexts and Intent: The Mourning Niobe Motif from Lucania to Daunia' in
GÖSTA ENBOM MONOGRAPH SERIES II, Royal Glyptothek/The National Museum of Denmark, 69-80

2011 H. Fracchia and M. Gualtieri 'The countryside of Regio II and Regio III (300 B.C. - AD 14)' in Local Cultues of South Italy and Sicily in the Late Republican Period: Between Hellenism and Rome (ed. F. Colivicchi) Supplement to the Journal of Roman Archaeology, 11-29

2011 H. Fracchia, 'Family and Community: Self Representation in a Lucanian Chamber Tomb' in Communicating Identity in Italic Iron Age Cultures (eds. M. Gleba and H. Horsnaes), Oxford, 90-98

2010 H. Fracchia, M. Gualtieri, S. Ferrari 'La Villa Romana di Ossaia nel suo contesto' in Amoenitas I, 145-176

2010 H. Fracchia and M. Gualtieri, 'The Artisan Tradition at Roccagloriosa: A Case Study' in L'Artigianto nel Mondo Antico, Centre Jean Berard (Napoli) e l'Ecole Française de Rome Antiquite , 100-116


1997 Survey and excavation at Oppido Lucano (Potenza) Basilicata, collaborative research with the Superintendency of Basilicata

1992 Excavation and territorial survey at Ossaia/Cortona: villa at one time continuing belonging to the Imperial family, 1st century B.C.- 5th century A.D. Collaborative project with the University of Perugiaand town of Cortona

1991 Survey and preliminary study of the Roman site at Ossaia/Cortona (Arezzo) in conjunction with the University of Perugia

1989 Oppido Lucano (Basilicata Italy): Roman site 2nd c. B.C.-late 5th c. A.D. Coinvestigator with M. Gualtieri.1983-92 (Roccagloriosa ): pre-Roman Lucanian site, survey director, pottery analyst, site supervisor

1986 Sinuessa (Naples, Italy): Roman maritime colony, 3rd century B.C.-6th century A.D. Co-director with P. Arthur, M. Gualtieri, pottery analyst and site supervisor

1984-85 Carmeniello ai Mannesi (Naples Italy): 4th century B.C.-12th century A.D. urban site. Pottery analyst.

1983 Tempa Cortaglia (Basilicata Italy): Survey project, rural settlement patterns, 7th century B.C.-1st century A.D. Director.

1982 Argolid (Greece): Survey project, rural settlement patterns, 5th-3rd centuries B.C. Director.

1981-82 San Giovanni di Ruoti (Basilicata Italy): Roman villa. Associate pottery analyst.

1980-82 Roccagloriosa (Salerno Italy): see above, external collaborator for the Superintendency of Salerno, pottery analyst 1976-83 Collaborator. Survey projects in various regions of Greece with Prof. W.K. Pritchett, Univ. of California Berkeley

1975 Nemea (Greece): Archaic through Hellenistic pan-Hellenic site, site supervisor

Expertise & Research Interests

  • Greek, Pre-Roman and Roman Art and Archaeology

Fields of Graduate Supervision

  • Classical Archaeology
  • Pre-Roman and Roman Italy
  • Magna Graecia