(Re)Introducing the Humayma Excavation Project: Past Discoveries and Future Directions
19 March 2025

Photo Credit: APAAME_20160919_DLK-0087
Thursday March 27, 4:00 PM
Business Building 2-09, University of Alberta
The Archaeological Institute of America and the University of Alberta Department of History, Classics, and Religion present (Re)Introducing the Humayma Excavation Project: Past Discoveries and Future Direction by Dr. Craig A. Harvey, Assistant Professor, Roman Archaeology.
The archaeological site of Humayma, in southern Jordan, was founded by the Nabataeans in the 1st century BCE and thrived throughout the Roman and early Islamic periods. While previous work at the site has revealed a great deal about its significance and character, this coming summer will mark the renewal of investigation at Humayma and the first season of survey by a team from the University of Alberta. This presentation will introduce the site of Humayma, trace the history of its study, and outline the research goals of this renewed and future work.