The Archaeological Institute of America presents Professor Carolyn Willekes of Mount Royal University who will speak on 'Aesop's Menagerie: What Fables can tell us about the Human-Animal Relationship'.
Thursday, January 31 | 7:00 pm | Tory Breezeway 1
The Department of History and Classics is pleased to present a talk co-sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) - 'Aesop's Menagerie: What Fables can tell us about the Human-Animal Relationship' by Carolyn Willekes.
Professor Willekes currently teaches at Mount Royal University in Calgary. She holds degrees in classical studies from the University of Calgary and the University of Guelph. Her research focuses on animals in the ancient world. She is the author of The Horses in the Ancient World from Bucephalus to the Hippodrome (London 2016).
All are welcome. Please join us on Thursday, January 31, 2019, 7:00 pm, at Tory Breezeway 1.