Book Standardized Patients

SPs are available to any group that wants to use simulation to create authentic, interactive experiences. The Standardized Patient Program provides SPs for educational programs across faculties at the University of Alberta, to external clients (including the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), MacEwan University, and Alberta Health Services), and to the private sector.

The Standardized Patient Program has Standardized Patients (SPs) spanning a diverse array of age groups, backgrounds, and genders available to fit your needs. In addition to the patient role, the Standardized Patient Program can provide professional SPs who can perform as healthcare providers, non-health related clients or customers, hybrid simulation specialists to work with mannequins, and much more.

To book Standardized Patients, please fill out the following form:

Book Standardized Patients

If you have any questions about booking Standardized Patients, please email