Become Support Staff

Are you interested in becoming Support Staff?

Having skilled and reliable support staff is vital to the smooth operation of the licensing exams. Training for all pertinent roles and a tour of the examination area is provided in advance of each exam.


Exam support staff carry out a variety of roles, including:

Track + Site Leader or Head Hall Monitor

  • Sets up their track stations
  • Supervises the track and staff
  • Exam experience in managing incidents
  • Troubleshooting and communicating with site administrators throughout the exam

Hall Monitor

  • Directs candidate movement on the track
  • Ensures no cheating is taking place
  • Manages an assigned area for movement and possible incidents

Exam Timer

  • Attention to detail
  • Focus and quick reaction ability
  • Keep us running on time

Group Leader

  • Responsible for a group of candidates
  • Assists with registration of candidates
  • Escorts group to track and remains with them during the exam
  • Acts as a hall monitor during the exam
  • Signs out candidates at end of the exam

Candidate Registration + Orientation

  • Ensures procedures set out by board are followed
  • Leads the group leaders at the various check points of registration
  • Identity confirmation
  • Belongings collection
  • Security measures (wanding)
  • Documentation and signatures
  • Present in orientation


  • Assist the caterers hired by ensuring the break areas are prepped and ready for the food
  • Ensure all break areas have plenty of supplies and beverages
  • Clean up and food storage after the final break. All areas left tidy and reset to original state

Quality Check + Paper Auditor

  • Manages exam scoresheets for quality assurance purposes
  • Ensures all sheets on their track are present and accounted for

Examination Support Staff Application Form

If you have any questions about applying to become Support Staff, please email