“We can help ensure that the next generation of students can complete their studies”
4 May 2022

Like many University of Alberta supporters, Greg Yacyshyn values the benefits of a good education.
"I support the U of A because my education helped me get to where I am today."
Greg is from Edmonton. He graduated with a BA in economics from the U of A in 1990 and has spent 32 years as a Financial Advisor in Edmonton.
Greg is passionate about supporting the University and believes strongly in the importance of U of A's role in Alberta and Canada.
"The U of A matters a great deal. It employs thousands of people and serves 40,000 students. It's one of Canada's top research organizations and is one of the top five engineering schools in the country."
Greg believes it's important for alumni to support University research and student bursaries. He feels so strongly about this that he's included the U of A in his Will.
"I just wanted to help. It's important to me."
Working with Hilary Fabrizio at the U of A, Greg directed the gift in his Will to student bursaries.
"I want my bursary to help students, regardless of their marks. I made sure that my bursary would support anyone who needs help getting by. At the end of the day, most of us know what it's like to be a student struggling to make ends meet. And we all know how expensive tuition is. So, if we can all do our part, we can help ensure that the next generation of students can complete their studies."
Greg also encourages other donors to consider doing something similar.
"There can be tremendous tax benefits when you include a charity in your Will. And once your family is well taken care of, a gift of any size – even a small amount – would be a lasting legacy for a lifetime of hard work."