Tax and Charity Information

Get a Tax Receipt

Have you donated this year to the university and are looking for your tax receipt?

All donations are processed through the Office of the Recording Secretary in the order they are received. Official charitable tax receipts are issued for eligible contributions in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency requirements.

Tax receipts are issued in the name of the individual that gave the donation (the true donor). This is the name of the credit card holder or account holder the gift is made from. In the case of Gifts in Kind it is based on the appropriate documentation establishing ownership of the items being donated.

Receipts for eligible contributions are issued as identified in the table below.

This table has headers. The first column XXX, and the second column XXX.
Giving by Timeline for Receipt Delivery Delivery
Online Giving Individuals (immediate receipt)
Corporations (immediate confirmation via email, followed by a mailed business receipt)
One time gift (cheque, credit card, securities, Gift in Kind etc.) Upon completion of processing Email or mail depending on the information we have been provided
Recurring monthly (credit card, bank account or wire transfer, etc.) Annually by the end of February the following calendar year Email or mail depending on the information we have been provided
Payroll Donation Annually by the end of February the following calendar year No receipt is issued. Appears on employee’s T4 or T4A

At the discretion of the University, official charitable tax receipts are issued for eligible amounts donated in accordance with the Tax Act and CRA requirements.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at (780) 492-7400.

Charitable Registration Number


The University of Alberta charitable registration number, as recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency is 10810 2831 RR0001.

The University is a registered charity and is therefore exempt from payment of income tax under Section 149 of the Canadian Income Tax Act (Business Number (BN): 10810-2831-RR0001).


The University is licensed to operate as a Charitable Organization by the Alberta Government (Licence/Registration Number: 210551).


The University of Alberta is recognized in the U.S.A. as organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes (exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal revenue Code, Identification Number 98-6001254).