Project Overview
Build Canada's culture of creativity and innovation by helping DiscoverE expand its reach
DiscoverE inspires careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Qualified educators and engineers develop the curriculum; university students deliver it; kids love it.
At DiscoverE, we have a big reach and a big impact. As the largest STEM outreach program in Western Canada, we reach more than 26,000 K-12 students a year in Alberta, the Northwest Territories and northern B.C. through hands-on, interactive STEM workshops, camps, events, and afterschool and weekend clubs. Our beyond-the-classroom experiences help children and youth see how STEM fits into the real world - motivating them to get involved, now and for years to come.
Sparking children's imaginations is just the beginning of their journey to innovation. Because it is key to keep them engaged throughout their school years, DiscoverE offers STEM programming at all learning stages.
DiscoverE plays a key role in building a skilled workforce. Children and youth understand that engineers do more than build bridges and other structures - they solve problems that affect people every day. Young people see their potential and their role in creating a better world. But there are more children and young people who can benefit. By investing in DiscoverE, you help them discover their passion for STEM and foster future innovation.
The Impact of Your Donation
Solving the most pressing issues in our communities, country and world - such as water pollution, food security, climate change and disease - requires diverse perspectives. Invest in DiscoverE and you remove the barriers that prevent underrepresented groups from entering STEM careers.
Indigenous youth: DiscoverE works with Indigenous communities and organizations to develop curriculum that integrates traditional knowledge and teaching methods.
2,509 - Indigenous students reached in 2017-18 through DiscoverE workshops and camps
Girls: DiscoverE blends mentorship, role-modelling and interactivity into its programming for girls, creating a fun and supportive environment that promotes self-confidence.
23% - Engineering grads in Canada who are women
Rural youth: Nearly 20 per cent of Alberta's population lives in rural areas, which have little access to programs that promote science, technology, engineering and math.
178 - Schools reached by DiscoverE in over 80 communities in 2017-18
Low-income youth: DiscoverE gives 1,523 bursaries a year and other financial aid to make its programs accessible.
17% - DiscoverE participants from low-income households
How to Help
To build Canada's culture of innovation and discovery, we need to inspire young people from diverse backgrounds to pursue STEM careers. Donors provide almost half of DiscoverE's funding. We need your help to reach even more future scientists and engineers.
41% - DiscoverE funding that currently comes from donor support
Giving Theme
Technology, Science
Ways to Give
Memorial/Tribute Gifts, Charitable Gift Annuities