Speakers Bureau Online

The Speakers Bureau Online is a spin-off of the original program to engage in community gathering spaces across the city and hosted by community groups. This is an opportunity for the community to connect with scholars and researchers through an online platform.

Past Presentations

You can find recordings of past Speakers Bureau Online events below.

Dialogue: Climate and Environmental Justice

Dr. Debra Davidson and Dr. Sourayan Mookerjea

Presented in partnership with the Edmonton Public Library

Good Intentions that Backfire: Parental Micro-Messaging and Child Anxiety

Dr. Jacqueline Leighton

Presented in partnership with the Edmonton Public Library

Vaccination Policy in a COVID-19 World

Dr. Ubaka Ogbogu

Understanding Blood Flow in the Liver to Save Children's Lives

Dr. Martha Ruiz

Staying well as the Covid-19 pandemic enters a new pandemic response phase

Dr. David Evans and Dr. Mary Hitt

Helping your children get through the Covid-19 lockdown

Dr. Jacqueline Leighton