External Partners

Two researchers wearing protective equipment in a laboratory

Experiential learning at the University of Alberta offers students opportunities to merge theoretical knowledge and ideas with hands-on practical experiences. It is “learning by doing”. At the University of Alberta, experiential learning encompasses a vast array of opportunities, including but not limited to, internships, co-operative education, community-service learning, project-based learning and research partnerships. Partnering with a student from the University of Alberta can bring new perspectives and skills to your organization, while creating invaluable learning experiences for students.

Getting involved

Experiential learning opportunities accommodate different levels of commitment from both students and your organization. We recommend exploring the different types of work-integrated learning to determine what type of involvement is best for your organization. You can also check out current W-I-L programs available to U of A students.

Unsure of where to begin? Contact expwil@ualberta.ca

Connect with the Campus Community

One way to connect and build relationships with U of A students and alumni is through the Career Centre. They can help you with recruiting, offer information about internships and work experience partnerships, assist you with creating a job/opportunity posting in campusBRIDGE and much more! Explore their webpage to learn more

Community partners who are interested in working with U of A students across any discipline may want to partner with our Community Service-Learning (CSL) Program, which links academic coursework to community-based experiences. Visit their website to learn about becoming a community partner

External Partners, Employers and Community Partners can also seek out experiential and work-integrated learning opportunities according to discipline or U of A Faculty. Below are a few examples:

Connect with Student Groups

Connecting with student groups is an excellent way to build relationships with current University of Alberta students. As an external partner (e.g., employers, industry partners and community organizations) you can support and/or engage with programming, establish partnerships and get involved with students. 

External Resources and Funding

Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL) is the lead organization for work-integrated learning (WIL) in Canada. Their website can help you learn about work-integrated learning and offers useful resources. Learn more about CEWIL and access their Employer & Community Partner Toolkit

There are various funding programs and options to support external partners in hiring and working with University students. For more information, navigate the link list below:

University of Alberta Policies & Processes

External partners who are working with the University of Alberta and our students are expected to abide by the University’s policies and procedures. For instance, safety and risk management are important considerations for experiential learning opportunities. Learn more about Risk Management & Insurance processes at the U of A.

Additionally, the University of Alberta has a duty to accommodate all students and support them in experiencing equitable, safe and non-discriminatory experiential learning opportunities. External partners should ensure they abide by the same policies to support our students. Learn more about Access & Accommodations at the U of A.