Frequently Asked Questions about the new English Major
1. Will the English Major prepare me for Graduate school?
The English Major is not designed to meet specific requirements for entrance into graduate programs in English. If you are interested in graduate studies you should consider the Honours Program and/or should consult specific graduate programs to ensure your course selection meets entrance requirements for your particular program of choice. You can also consult with the Associate Chair (Graduate Studies) to learn more about the department's graduate program. As well, we have developed a plan of study for students thinking about graduate study [link].2. I have only ★6 credits at the 200-level and I want to graduate this year but the new requirements say I need ★9 at the 200-level. Do I have to take another 200-level course to meet the new requirements?
No. Students who entered the program before September 2019 will be allowed to graduate with ★6 credits. All students entering the program after September 2019 will need ★9 at the 200-level.3. I only have a few credits left in my degree, will I still graduate under the new Major requirements?
The new requirements will apply to all students in the program as of September 2019. Any student who applied to graduate in Spring 2019 will need to have completed the old requirements.4. I am an Honours student. Will my program change?
No. The new requirements apply only to students majoring in English. The Honours program remains the same.
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